I was at a retreat this weekend with my Codependent support group.
Two good sessions Saturday morning. One on meditation. The other o
n family of origin.
I was walking at the beach Saturday afternoon, and took this picture ... I was hoping to figure out how to post a blog article on the fly, but it did not work the way I thought it would ... Good thing I was able to save it, then edit and transfer it when I got home! I think this method needs some further research and practice!
At the beach, and at the entire retreat, I was taking it all in. Waiting for my "Ah! Ha!" moment. Listening to the waves against the rocks, the wind, a plane overhead. Feeling the autumn sun on my skin as the breeze lifted my hair. I did have a couple of self-revelations ... one is regarding my fierce need to be strong, and not seen as weak. The other is in regard to looking forward in my life ... My recovery lies in my future, not in my past!
The ocean (or in this case the salt water of Puget Sound) is a hypnotic and meditative place for me. A gull glides on the unseen current of the moving air so effortlessly. Unconstrained by any other schedule than the seasons. Unaffected by human emotions. Free from the anxieties of acceptance. Living and welcoming every moment and experience that God grants.
Saturday night, I built a fire, and we wrote on paper, things that we want and need to release from our lives. We read them out loud,a nd crumpled them up and threw them in the fire! GONE ... Burned up ... Carried away in the smoke, to the heavens!
And this piece of metal in the picture I took at the beach... It drew me. It appeals to me. It is more than it appears ... With its batina rubbed away in some areas, there is a hint of hidden beauty ... Which in and of itself us beautiful to me, and reminds me what a subjective thing it is to ...
Live Well!
Love as always,
Share your thoughts and comments below if you please!