I feel like I have been neglecting some of the other equally important elements that I began this blog about ... Namely living a full, whole and bountiful life.
Not everything in my worls is happy go lucky, and many things do not come naturally easy to me, but I do have a bit of a knack for letting things SEEM that way sometimes.
I think this is one of my (many) vanities. Which is funny to me, because I'll go anywhere without make-up and the latest fashions are several years from being donated to the second hand store so I can buy them and put them in my closet. But I do have may vanities nonetheless.
To this day, I remember seeing a drawing on the office wall when I was about 3 in a pre-school, or daycare situation for a short period of time.
Isn't it funny how things can jump into our heads and influence us all of our lives, from even the very youngest ages!
Some influences are good, and others maybe not as healthy.
I'm on the fence about this one today.
I couldn't find a similar drawing, but this photo of a baby duck will serve just fine for my demonstration:
Cover the photo from the waterline down, and only look at the baby duck calmly floating along in the water, relaxed and happy ... Peaceful huh!? Makes you feel calm, and at ease. Until you understand what is happening under the water!
Those little legs are working like crazy to keep that little fluff ball moving in the right direction, and afloat.
That drawing influenced me at the age of 3, and I didn't even know it. It has impacted the way that I think about the perception others have of me. It has influenced how much I let others see of my struggles and efforts to propel my life and objectives forward.
I have no opinion at this time if that is right thinking or wrong thinking.
It just IS.
And while I may not be sharing the behind the scenes struggles with more people, I am recognizing how long that has been a function in my life, and that maybe I am not as open a book as I used to like to think.
But I thought is was an important recognition. What are the little children in your life seeing, that you might not think they see?
This is just another element of my human growth that I am sharing with you, because on going growing and healing is more than just necessary in our long term quest for ...
Living Well!
Love SuziQue
Love SuziQue