For the most part adjusting my eating lifestyle hasn't been too bad. The garlic thing makes me sad ... I ate it like a side dish, not a seasoning!
BUT After 15 years, wheat is still the thing I struggle the most to move on from. I was a school baker, and I grew up baking. I love bread. I love the smell of yeast. And even though it makes me feel sick when I eat it, I have not been able to break that "addiction" Especially fresh homemade, deliciousness! (OK, yes, and Cheese-its!).
I would like that my success is that while the addiction is still an issue, it no longer CONTROLS how I eat! My strength in battle and my resolve to feel healthier hold more power for me now!
After reading this article on I felt more encouraged and he other day I bought some Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free All Purpose Baking Flour.
Last night I modified my favorite biscuit recipe using this flour, and was SO VERY HAPPY with the result!
Does it taste the SAME? No, but even my husband (who was brave enough to try it in support of my healthier choices!) said "That's not too bad!" :) I still think I will make some more tweeks to it, but, for my first attempt, I'm very happy!
Give it a try ... This is for a very small batch, and it is NOT organic, or fat free, or low sodium, or whatever other thing you want it to be ... One thing at a time people!
1 rounded cup Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free All Purpose Baking Flour
1 tablespoon Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Baking Powder
half a stick of butter
a little bit of salt
Using a pastry blender Cut the butter into the dry ingredients until crumbly.
All at once, add 1/4 cup of cold milk, and mix quickly.
I made drop biscuits this time, breaking off egg sized balls of the dough, and placing them in the baking dish.
Bake at 425 until golden.
Serve with butter or jam. I had mine with a bowl of soup.
Making healthier food choices for my body is an on-going project.
Feeling healthy is Living Well!
Love SuziQue
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